Our program provides free classes to anyone newly diagnosed, in cancer treatment, surgical recovery or in remission. Active caregivers are also welcome to attend as well as medical and radiation oncologists, advanced oncology providers and nurse practitioners providing direct oncology care to patients. No yoga experience is necessary.
The first class of this program was launched in 2012 and since then we have grown offering in-person Yoga and Cancer classes in multiple locations and virtually via Zoom. This website was created as a resource for participants of Yoga and Cancer to provide information on everything you would like to know about this program. You will find our schedule of free weekly classes including directions to studios, teacher bios, links to resources and testimonials from participants in our community.
Yoga and Cancer is a program of Yoga in Action, a non profit yoga service organization that provides access to specialized yoga programming for all people. Please see our Yoga in Action page to learn more about Yoga in Action.